Allergy Clinic
Research Staff
Research Volunteer
Pharmacutical Sponsors
Pollen Count
Current Studies Volunteer
Medical Release

is_valid) { die ("The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again. Back " . "(reCAPTCHA said: " . $resp->error . ")"); } } require_once('../../includes/DbConnector.php'); require_once('../../includes/Validator.php'); // Create an object (instance) of the DbConnector and Validator $connector = new DbConnector(); $validator = new Validator(); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { //select coordinator email from study $study_qry = $connector->query('Select ID, SummaryTitle, CordEmail, ProtacallNum from Studies where ID="'.$HTTP_POST_VARS[Study].'"'); $s = $connector->fetchArray($study_qry); $coord_email = $s['CordEmail']; $studyname = $s['SummaryTitle']; $protacallNum = $s['ProtacallNum']; //email volunteer form and input into database $to = ""; $to2 = ""; $from = $_REQUEST['Email'] ; $name = $_REQUEST['Name'] ; $headers = "From: $from"; $subject = "Volunteer Form"; $fields = array(); $fields{"Name"} = "Name"; $fields{"Address"} = "Address"; $fields{"City"} = "City"; $fields{"State"} = "State"; $fields{"Zip"} = "Zip"; $fields{"HPhone"} = "Home Phone"; $fields{"WPhone"} = "Work Phone"; $fields{"CPhone"} = "Cell Phone"; $fields{"Email"} = "Email"; $fields{"ContactMethod"} = "Best Contact Method"; $fields{"BestTime"} = "Best Time"; //$fields{"YAddData"} = "Add to database"; //$fields{"NAddData"} = "Do not add to database"; //$fields{"NContact"} = "Wants to be contacted"; $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO Volunteer (Name, Address, City, State, Zip, HmPhone, WkPhone, CellPhone, Email, ". " Method, Time, StudyID, StudyName, Interest, YData, NData, YContact, Date) VALUES (". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['Name']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['Address']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['City']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['State']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['Zip']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['HPhone']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['WPhone']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['CPhone']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['Email']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['ContactMethod']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['BestTime']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['Study']."', ". "'".$studyname."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['Interest']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['YAddData']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['NAddData']."', ". "'".$HTTP_POST_VARS['YContact']."', ". "now())"; //print $insertQuery; // Save the form data into the database if ($result = $connector->query($insertQuery)){ // It worked, give confirmation }else{ // It hasn't worked so stop. Better error handling code would be good here! // exit('
Sorry, there was an error saving to the database
'); //print "Error inserting into database"; } $body = "Study Volunteer Request:\n\n"; $body .= "Protocal Number: "; $body .= $protacallNum; $body .= "\n"; $body .= "Volunteer for Study: "; $body .= $studyname; $body .= "\n\n"; foreach($fields as $a => $b){ $body .= sprintf("%20s: %s\n",$b,$_REQUEST[$a]); } if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['YAddData'] == '1') { $AddToDB = "Yes"; } else { $AddToDB = "No"; } if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['NAddData'] == '1') { $NoAddDB = "Yes"; } else { $NoAddDB = "No"; } if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['NContact'] == '1') { $WntContact = "Yes"; } else { $WntContact = "No"; } $body .= "\t\t Add to database: "; $body .= $AddToDB; $body .= "\n"; $body .= "\t\t Do not add to database: "; $body .= $NoAddDB; $body .= "\n"; $body .= "\t\t Wants to be contacted: "; $body .= $WntContact; $body .= "\n\n"; //$headers2 = "From:"; //$subject2 = "Thank you for contacting us"; //$autoreply = "Thank you for contacting us. Somebody will get back to you as soon as possible, usualy within 48 hours. If you have any more questions, please consult our website at"; if($from == '') {print "You have not entered an email, please go back and try again";} else { if($name == '') { print "You have not entered a name, please go back and try again"; } else { $send = mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); $send3 = mail($to2, $subject, $body, $headers); if ($cordemail != "") { $send2 = mail($cord_email, $subject, $body, $headers); if ($send2) { //sent message } } if($send3) { } if($send) { print "Thank you for your volunteer information."; $hide_form = 1; } else { print "We encountered an error sending your mail, please notify"; $hide_form = 0; } } } } if ($HTTP_GET_VARS[studyid]) { //select study from database $studyid = $HTTP_GET_VARS[studyid]; if ( $validator->validateNumber($studyid, 'Study Id')) { //valid number $chked_studyid = $studyid; //select coordinator email from study $email_qry = $connector->query('Select ID, SummaryTitle, CordEmail from Studies where ID="'.$chked_studyid.'"'); $e = $connector->fetchArray($email_qry); $coord_email = $e['CordEmail']; $studyname = $e['SummaryTitle']; } } if ($hide_form != 1) { echo '
Studies Volunteer:
Mailing Address:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Best Contact Method:
Best Time:
Specific Study:
General Interest'; $gen = $connector->query('Select ID, Name from Studies_Cat'); while ($g = $connector->fetchArray($gen)) { echo '  '.$g[Name]; //echo ''; } echo '
Yes, add me to the database for future studies.
No, do not add me to the database for future studies.
Yes, I want to be contacted
'; require_once('recaptchalib.php'); $publickey = "6LdOcMUSAAAAAFxXdSkEDpSpxYbhiT7LvOFbCbFz"; // you got this from the signup page echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey); echo '
'; } ?>