if ($page_header != "home") { ?>
$intro = "The Allergy Asthma Research Institute is a physician owned and operated research center in Waco, Texas. The institute was established in 1997 by N. J. Amar, M.D., CPI and conducts clinical research trials with consideration and respect for our volunteers. The dedicated staff of the Allergy Asthma Research Institute has experience in many therapeutic fields and our expertise grows as the industry continues to grow. We follow the highest ethical standards and guidelines established by the FDA, IRB's and sponsors to protect the rights and welfare of subjects in research. The knowledge obtained from medical research not only helps globally, but also its effect can be felt in our local communities. Safer, more effective treatments at the fore front of medicine are being developed, and AARI is proud to be a part of the innovative new treatments and medications that are being made through medical research.";
$mission = "To provide high-quality specialty care to our patients in a cost-effective and efficient manner. We take pride in our reputation as a patient friendly, respectful, and comfortable office. We listen to our patients, focus on their symptoms, and develop individualized treatment plans based on their problems and needs. We continuously strive for improvements in patient care and make patient satisfaction a priority for our physicians and staff.";
$paul = "Paul Scibielski,";
$paul_cred = "M.D., F.A.A.P.*";
$amar = "Niran J. Amar,";
$amar_cred = "M.D., CPI, F.A.A.P.*";
$thaller = "Ephraim Thaller,";
$thaller_cred = "M.D., F.A.A.P.*";
$main_office = "Main Office 333 Londonderry Dr. Waco, TX 76712 254-751-1144";
$gate_office = "Gatesville Specialty Clinic";
$clifton_office = "Clifton Medical Clinic";
$hill_office = "Hill Regional Medical Clinic";
$mexia_office = "Mexia Specialty Clinic";
$mold_count = "6034 L";
$last_updated = "3/18/2009";
// Create an object (instance) of the DbConnector and Validator
$connector = new DbConnector();
$validator = new Validator();
$rain = $connector->query('SELECT *, date_format(DateRec, "%c/%e/%Y") as lastDate from PollenCts order by DateRec desc limit 0,1');
$rainrow = $connector->fetchArray($rain);
$rain_status = $rainrow['Rainout'];
if ($rain_status == 1)
$pollen_dis = ' |