'; } else { $mtCdr = $connector->query('Select * from Pollen_Cat where ID=5'); $mt = $connector->fetchArray($mtCdr); if ($mt['ShowHM'] == '1') { $mountain = 1; } $rag = $connector->query('Select * from Pollen_Cat where ID=7'); $rg = $connector->fetchArray($rag); if ($rg['ShowHM'] == '1') { $ragwd = 1; } $result = $connector->query('SELECT *, date_format(LastUpdate, "%c/%e/%Y") as updateDate from Pollen_Cat where Active=1 and ShowHM=1 order by Sort'); // Get an array containing the results. // Loop for each item in that array while ($row = $connector->fetchArray($result)) { $lastUpdate = $row['updateDate']; switch ($row['Levels']) { case "Low": $level = "L"; break; case "Moderate": $level = "M"; break; case "High": $level = "H"; break; case "Very High": $level = "VH"; break; default: $level = " "; } switch ($row['ID']) { case "1": $countSql = "MoldCt as PollenNum"; $PName = $row['Name']; break; case "2": if ($mountain == 1) { $countSql = "(ElmCt + OakCt + PecanCt + BoxelderCt + AshCt + CottonWdCt + MulberryCt + PineCt + MapleCt + SweetgumCt + WalnutCt + MesquiteCt + AlderCt) as PollenNum"; $PName = "Other ".$row['Name']; } else { $PName = $row['Name']; $countSql = "(MtCedarCt + ElmCt + OakCt + PecanCt + BoxelderCt + AshCt + CottonWdCt + MulberryCt + PineCt + MapleCt + SweetgumCt + WalnutCt + MesquiteCt + AlderCt) as PollenNum"; } break; case "3": if ($ragwd == 1) { $PName = "Other ".$row['Name']; $countSql = "WeedCt as PollenNum"; } else { $PName = $row['Name']; $countSql = "(RagweedCt + WeedCt) as PollenNum"; } break; case "4": $PName = $row['Name']; $countSql = "GrassCt as PollenNum"; break; case "5": $PName = $row['Name']; $countSql = "MtCedarCt as PollenNum"; break; case "7": $PName = $row['Name']; $countSql = "RagweedCt as PollenNum"; break; default: $PName = " "; $countSql = "NONE"; } if ($countSql != "NONE") { //select the columns added together $resultCt = $connector->query('SELECT '.$countSql.' from PollenCts order by DateRec desc limit 0,1'); $rowCt = $connector->fetchArray($resultCt); $count_display = $rowCt[PollenNum]; } else { $count_display = ""; } $pollen_dis .= ''; } } //$pollen_date = ''; $cat_studies = $connector->query('SELECT ID,Name from Studies_Cat'); while ($cSt = $connector->fetchArray($cat_studies)) { $count = 0; //$study_rows .= ""; $res_studies = $connector->query('SELECT ID,SummaryTitle, Featured from Studies where Active=1 and Categories='.$cSt[ID].' and Status like "%Enroll%"'); // Get an array containing the results. // Loop for each item in that array while ($rowSt = $connector->fetchArray($res_studies)) { if ($count == 0) { $study_rows .= ""; } if ($rowSt['Featured'] == 1) { $study_rows .= ""; } else { $study_rows .= ""; } $count++; } } ?>
Allergy Clinic
Research Staff
Research Volunteer
Pharmacutical Sponsors
Pollen Count
Current Studies Volunteer
Medical Release

333 Londonderry Dr.
Waco, TX 76712
254-751-1144"; $gate_office = "Gatesville Specialty Clinic"; $clifton_office = "Clifton Medical Clinic"; $hill_office = "Hill Regional Medical Clinic"; $mexia_office = "Mexia Specialty Clinic"; $mold_count = "6034 L"; $last_updated = "3/18/2009"; require_once('includes/DbConnector.php'); require_once('includes/Validator.php'); // Create an object (instance) of the DbConnector and Validator $connector = new DbConnector(); $validator = new Validator(); $rain = $connector->query('SELECT *, date_format(DateRec, "%c/%e/%Y") as lastDate from PollenCts order by DateRec desc limit 0,1'); $rainrow = $connector->fetchArray($rain); $rain_status = $rainrow['Rainout']; if ($rain_status == 1) { $pollen_dis = '
Pollen count not available due to rain.
'.$PName.''.$count_display.' '.$level.'
Last Updated: '.$lastUpdate.'
** ".$rowSt[SummaryTitle]." **
For appointment times and inquires the Research Department may be contacted:
Mon-Thurs: 8-5pm
Fri: 8-4pm
254-751-1144 option 11

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