'; } } ?>
Allergy Clinic
Research Staff
Research Volunteer
Pharmacutical Sponsors
Pollen Count
Current Studies Volunteer
Medical Release

validateNumber($study,'Study ID')) { $result = $connector->query('SELECT * from Studies where Approved="1" and ID="'.$study.'"'); $row_cat = $connector->fetchArray($result); if ($row_cat['OnlyTxt'] != 1) { echo '
'; echo ''; if ($row_cat['FilePath'] != "") { echo ''; } echo ''; echo '
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Who can participate?
What is the study about?
What will I have to do?
See Informed Consent process. '.$row_cat[ConsentTxt].'
Status: '.$row_cat[Status].'
Lead Coordinator: '.$row_cat[Coordinator].'
Alternate Contact: '.$row_cat[BackupName].'
For more information call 254-751-1144, option 11 or you can submit your information online
Volunteer for this study online
Volunteer for studies
'; } else { echo '
'; echo ''; if ($row_cat['ImagePath'] != "") { echo ''; } echo ''; if ($row_cat['LgText'] != "") { echo ''; } //echo ''; if ($row_cat['Coordinator'] != "") { echo ''; } if ($row_cat['BackupName'] != "") { echo ''; } // echo ' // '; echo ''; echo '
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Status: '.$row_cat[Status].'
Lead Coordinator: '.$row_cat[Coordinator].'
Alternate Contact: '.$row_cat[BackupName].'
For more information call 254-751-1144, option 11 or you can submit your information online
'; /* if ($row_cat['FilePath'] != "") { echo ''.$row_cat['FileName'].'  '; }*/ if ($row_cat['FilePath2'] != "") { echo ''.$row_cat['FileName2'].'  '; } if ($row_cat['FilePath3'] != "") { echo ''.$row_cat['FileName3'].'  '; } if ($row_cat['FilePath4'] != "") { echo ''.$row_cat['FileName4'].'  '; } if ($row_cat['FilePath5'] != "") { echo ''.$row_cat['FileName5'].'  '; } if ($row_cat['FilePath6'] != "") { echo ''.$row_cat['FileName6'].'  '; } echo '
'; if ($row_cat['FilePath'] != "") { echo 'Consent'; } else { echo ' '; } echo '
Volunteer for studies
'; } } else { echo "Couldn't delete. The image: ".$validator->listErrors(); } } else { $result4 = $connector->query('SELECT ID,SummaryTitle, Summary, Status, Approved, Active from Studies where Active="1" order by status'); while ($row_cat2 = $connector->fetchArray($result4)) { echo '
Status: '.$row_cat2['Status'].'
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