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- Same-day appointments usually available
- 24-hour coverage in case of emergency
- Offices located in or near local hospitals
- Bilingual staff
- Patient education programs
- Complete Allergy and Asthma Evaluations (Pediatric and Adult)
- Pulmonary function testing
- Scratch/prick and intradermal testing for allergy diagnosis
- Laboratory tests for allergy diagnosis
- Immunotherapy (Allergy shots)
- Sinusitis workup and treatment
- Urticaria (hives) evaluation and treatment
- Insect allergy testing and treatment
- Food allergy testing and treatment including oral challenges
- Drug allergy testing and treatment
- Hay fever diagnosis and treatment
- Eye allergy diagnosis and treatment
- Skin allergy diagnosis and treatment
- Contact dermatitis testing(Patch testing) and treatment
- Latex allergy diagnosis and treatment
- Immunodeficiency evaluation and treatment
- Methacholine Challenges (for ruling out asthma)